Vedic Astrology
Origins of Vedic Astrology
Rooted in the Vedas, India’s ancient system of knowledge, Vedic astrology is based on the belief that the stars and planets have a powerful influence on our lives.
According to Hindu teachings, life is meant for spiritual growth. This growth is, in part, facilitated by karma, the concept that every thought and action has a corresponding reaction.
The Vedas say that a person’s karma is directly related to the position of the planets and stars, and thus astrology is the method of understanding one’s karma by analyzing these positions.
Originally known as jyotish, or “the science of light,” Vedic astrology is considered by many to be the eye of the Vedas, because it is meant to provide guidance to individuals who feel lost or confused on their life’s journey.
Dubbed also as the “science of fate,” astrology is used to understand all aspects of life, including the future success of a particular endeavor, like marriage, moving into a new home, or a business venture. In the past, it was even used as a way of predicting the outcomes of battles in war, or a particular governmental decision. As a result, rulers would often employ astrologers to provide them better insight as to how they could best run their kingdoms.